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Home » Vision Net’s Statement on COVID-19

Vision Net’s Statement on COVID-19

Great Falls, March 17, 2020 – At Vision Net, the health and well-being of our workers is a top priority. To ensure the safety of our extended community during the COVID 19 pandemic, we are following the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and implementing the following precautions:

• All employees who can telecommute, are encouraged to do so.
• Employee outreach detailing workplace hygiene best practices, information on Vision Net’s on-site sanitation protocols, and quick links to trustworthy websites with updated COVID 19 information.
• Employees who are sick are encouraged to take advantage of our paid sick leave policy and stay home.
• Limiting or eliminating meetings and/or travel and encouraging videoconferencing in their place when appropriate.

These measures are temporary and aimed to prevent the spread of the virus, shorten its impact and ensure the health and safety of our employees and Montana communities. We will provide additional updates as necessary.

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