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Employee Spotlight: Lee Kimmet

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For this month’s Employee Spotlight, we talked to Lee Kimmet, the Wholesale Services Manager who has been a part of Vision Net’s innovation and client-focused Wholesale Services.

What is your position at Vision Net and what do you do?

Wholesale Services Manager

How long have you worked at Vision Net?

17 years as of yesterday!

What 3 words describe Vision Net?

Innovative, fast-paced, and dedicated

What is your favorite thing you have learned at Vision Net?

So many things! I began as a tech, then an engineer, now I’m a manager. What I appreciate is the vast knowledge and experiences that Vision Net has provided me with.

Are there any projects you have worked on that you’re proud of?

I’d say the transformation of our entire network from the SONET Network to the DWDM network and the evolution of building redundancy into our system throughout the years to provide such a reliable network to our clients.

What do you enjoy about being the Manager of the Wholesale Services team?

What I like the best with the Wholesale team is that we have a great dedicated team that is excited about the technology we get to work with.

What do you enjoy most about the newly-remodeled office?

I’d have to say the space! I have a funny story; before the remodel we had our offices scattered throughout the building and on every floor so it’s nice to finally have one office where we can all work and everyone has their own space.

What advice do you have for prospective Vision Net candidates?

Come in, have fun, and be ready to learn! There are plenty of opportunities within Vision Net, so there’s always something you could do and many avenues to grow with!

With the changes in technology, how has your job changed?

Oh wow, it changes everyday! I keep up on the technology and the industry because if you don’t stay ahead of the curve, you’ll go extinct! I work everyday to keep myself and my team educated.

What is something you’d like people to know about our Wholesale Services?

We work hard every day to ensure there is little to no downtime for our clients and their businesses. We are a client-focused group and much of our work is behind the scenes, so you might not see us working, but we’re there!

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Spending time with my family and helping on the farm. I enjoy the outdoors, golfing and of course MSU football!

What is your favorite movie?

Band of Brothers

How do you define success?

I define success as looking for new challenges and having a healthy loving family is success.

Enjoy the full video here! Thank you, Lee

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