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Employee Spotlight: Mary Simon

This month, we met Mary Simon, Vision Net’s Order and Process Coordinator. She talked about the innovations that have driven Vision Net forward, revealed her favorite movie, and talked about what success means to her!

What is your position at Vision Net and what do you do?
I am Mary Rose Simon, and for 17 years, I have been the Order and Process Coordinator at Vision Net!

What made you choose Vision Net?
The people! At my previous job, I had the opportunity to meet and get to know many of the people I now work with day-to-day and when I learned of an opportunity with Vision Net, I happily applied!

How would you describe Vision Net?
Fast-paced, never boring, and always challenging!

What is your favorite thing you have learned at Vision Net?
All sorts of information about the Telecommunication industry that I never thought I’d ever learn! Technology keeps changing, and it’s very exciting to be a part of that.

What challenges do you enjoy at Vision Net?
Being involved in all aspects of our projects, installs, and client care. It keeps the day exciting!

What advice do you have for prospective Vision Net candidates?
If you’re not ready for a challenge or you don’t enjoy change, don’t bother to apply. If you’re ready for a challenge and you enjoy change, you’ll never be bored at Vision Net!

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
Spend time with my family, enjoy a nice dark beer, read, and sew.

What is your favorite movie?
Weekend at Bernie’s

How do you define success?
To me, success is not money, it’s not possessions. Success is liking who you are and liking what you do.

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