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Molly Van Binsbergen – Client Testimonial

From the sales process with Christina Halverson to customer service with the NOC, Molly Van Binsbergen, an independent Financial Consultant, is thrilled to be a Vision Net Client and more than pleased with the flexibility the Unified Communications Mobility App provided to her business.

According to Van Binsbergen, Vision Net has helped create the right environment to make sure their clients know how important they are. Mobility has become a necessity in most businesses today, so, being able to pivot during the pandemic was key for the staff and clients.

In Van Binsbergen’s own words, the new phones delivered far greater clarity and sound than the previous ones, calls were seamlessly transferred to each person’s chosen device. “The first thing we heard from our clients is how clear the phones were,” Molly said. “We didn’t know we had a problem until our clients started noticing.”

Her favorite UC feature was their desk phones were able to be programmed to ring on their mobile devices, which was excellent with clients. “They didn’t know that we weren’t even in the office. Not that it mattered to them, but, a lot of our clients don’t know our cell numbers, but they recognize the office number. So, if we had to call them back, the office number would appear on their phone. Talk about being high-tech!”

Molly added that having good customer service when needed is “a must”! She praises her interactions with the NOC (Network Operations Center). “When we called the NOC, I thought we would get some tech nerd that didn’t know much about customer service. Boy, was I wrong! Not only did they answer professionally, but they also have the knowledge and expertise we were looking for. I never had a bad experience when talking with them. Plus, when there was an outage, not with us, but in the area, they let us know what was going on and continued to update us throughout the outage. To me, that speaks volumes for Vision Net and who they bring on their team.”

No matter how large or small your office is, Vision Net will come alongside you and meet your needs.

Molly Van Binsbergen

To learn if the UC Mobility App is the right fit for your business, find more information here.

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