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Retirement Party: Dick Egan

Today we said a very fond farewell to Dick Egan. He has worked at Vision Net since April of 2003 and has been, among other things, a TAC Supervisor, Network tech, Facilities go-to guy, and has spent the last ten years working with the PSAP team, where he will be sorely missed. 

Our CEO, Corey Jensen, gave Dick a recognition plaque and said some words to him:

Dick, from the bottom of my heart, your are an inspiration. We all aspire to be as good as you, thank you for all the influence you have on us, whether you know it or not. You truly are an institution here, that we’ll not replace easily. Make sure to stop by to say hi, we certainly will miss you.

Corey Jensen – Vision Net President & CEO

Dick thanked him and said that Vision Net we’ll continue doing great because we have a really good crew here.

We all hope Dick enjoys his well deserved retirement.

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