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This month, we talked to Darrell Ogg, one of Vision Net’s Sales Engineers who is instrumental in many of Vision Net’s installations and client upgrade projects. Learn how he has designed unique solutions for our clients for over 20 years.

What is your position at Vision Net and what do you do?
Sales Engineer, but I do a little of everything.

How long have you worked at Vision Net?
Almost 21 years!

What made you choose Vision Net?
I enjoy working with computers and I heard it was a great place to work.

What 3 words describe Vision Net?
Cutting edge, Intuitive, technology-driven.

What was your role on the Billings Depot project, and what did you enjoy about that project?
Designing the solution! In any other building, we would have simply drilled into the ceiling to hang the new Wi-Fi access points, but the building codes limited where and how we could solve this problem. Because of this, we needed to be creative. During the project, we found a large wooden beam blocking our access. It was definitely two steps forward, one step back many days, but we always trusted that we’d find our way. Ultimately, we installed the new Wi-Fi access point in the ceiling 1′ below the beam.

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Vision Net team?
My manager respects and listens to ideas.

What advice do you have for prospective Vision Net candidates?
Never go into a job with the idea that you know everything, and you are not willing to learn. Technology is ever-changing and no one knows everything.

With the changes in technology, how has your job changed?
Since my job always requires me to keep learning I cannot say my job has changed.

What is your favorite movie?
Any action movie.

What is your favorite food?
Pepperoni Pizza.

How do you define success?
Getting the job done no matter how small or large it is.